The calibration process includes all the required checks of proper operation (repeatability, eccentricity and linearity checks) in full harmony with international standards and guidelines (Euramet cg-18, OIML R-111, OIML R-76 etc.) in order to obtain the best possible image of the behavior of weighing instruments.

Safety of Life At Sea Convention - SOLAS
At the same time, in April 2016, the decision MSC.380(94) of the World Maritime Organization (International Maritime Organization – “IMO”) amended the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (Safety of Life At Sea Convention – “SOLAS”), introducing the mandatory application of the new way of calculating and verifying the gross weight of loaded containers (Verified Gross Mass – “VGM”). This decision was incorporated into Greek legislation in August 2016, simultaneously strengthening the already existing legislation on securing commercial transactions.

Accredited Mass & Balance Calibration Laboratory
Recognizing the above needs and requirements, Metricon developed its own Mass & Balance Calibration Accredited Laboratory based on the International Quality Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017, with modern equipment and staffed by highly trained personnel.

Leader in the Greek market
The high level of specialization of Metricon’s Accredited Laboratory has contributed to the achievement of long-term partnerships with the market. Metricon is now a leader in the Greek market in the calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments, and has been trusted by many exporting Greek companies and most of the country’s port organizations.

Calibration Laboratory Weighing Insturments
The need to achieve the maximum possible weighing accuracy is a necessary condition for securing commercial transactions, contributing to the smooth functioning of global economies. The calibration of weighing instruments is the way in which the correct and accurate operation of these instruments is ensured.
The calibration services provided by the Metricon Accredited Laboratory
Can cover the entire range of weighing instruments on the market (bench scales, floor scales/scales, bridge scales with a capacity of 5kg to 60tn) and are performed at the customers' premises, using calibrated standard working weights transported on site with the laboratory's calibration truck. The laboratory has standard scales from 1kg to 1000kg, with a total capacity of approximately 20tn and accuracy class "M1" & "M2".

In addition, in cooperation with the largest manufacturers of weighing instruments in the country, the specialized staff of the laboratory can carry out the adjustment of the instruments under calibration, where necessary.
After all the measurements have been made, the data is processed (in the laboratory’s specially configured software) in accordance with the above international guidelines and standards, and the corresponding results are obtained, which are printed on the Calibration Certificate issued by the laboratory and bearing its logo E.SY.D.

Standard Weights Calibration Laboratory
Alongside the Weighing Instrument Calibration Laboratory, Metricon has developed its own Accredited Standard Weights Calibration Laboratory, to cover both its own needs and to satisfy the needs of the market.
Standard Weights Calibration Laboratory
Alongside the Weighing Instrument Calibration Laboratory, Metricon has developed its own Accredited Standard Weights Calibration Laboratory, to cover both its own needs and to satisfy the needs of the market.

Standard Weights Calibration comes into play in various sectors of the Greek market,
as the use of working weights is essential for:
- Calibration of weighing instruments by Accredited Laboratories
- The correct adjustment of newly produced weighing instruments by their manufacturers
- The internal checks of the proper functioning of laboratory scales and production line scales for the purposes of Quality Assurance of produced products by the competent departments of the production companies themselves
- The periodic control of commercial scales for financial transactions and the imposition of fines where this is required, by government agencies and control mechanisms (Regions, Department of Commerce, etc.)

Calibration of standards used for scale calibration purposes is carried out through comparison with standards (reference standards) of a higher accuracy class. For this reason, Metricon’s Accredited Laboratory has four of the most modern Mass Comparators with a calibration range from 1kg up to 1000kg, while at the same time the Laboratory has High Accuracy Class Standard Stations (“F1”), with a range from 1mg up to 20kg, used as reference standards to calibrate stations of a lower accuracy class (classes ‘F2’, ‘M1’ & ‘M2’).
Finally, Metricon’s Accredited Laboratory also has the necessary auxiliary equipment such as special gloves, tweezers, general-purpose and station cleaning materials (pure alcohol), station mass addition materials (lead shot), calibrated instrument for recording environmental conditions, for correct handling , cleaning, adjustment and control to avoid damage due to oxidation, respectively, of both the standard reference stations and the stations under calibration.

The reference standard weights of the Laboratory carry Calibration Certificates with traceability to Greek and International Standards (SI), which are issued at regular intervals by the Hellenic Institute of Metrology (E.I.M.). All the Calibration Certificates issued in turn by the Metricon Laboratory provide respective traceability to Greek and International Standards (SI) and bear the ESYD logo.